Cambridge 5-A-Side Football League


The Chairman opened the meeting at 8:10pm and welcomed those present to the A.G.M.


Apologies were received from Aperio, JIMS also apologised as they would be late.

Eagles, Arbury Loyal, Robert Sayles, TSW Tigers, Cambridge Inter, Ernst & Young and Alexandra Crew were not represented.


The minutes of the 2003 A.G.M. were taken as read.


The Chairman said that he had read his notes from last year, and was a little disappointed to see that many of his comment then would be repeated again. He had enjoyed the year and enjoyed the competitive spirit of the league that was still going strong.

The Chairman noted that there were still a number of players who didn't know the rules, such as the wearing of shin pads or whether a free kick was direct or in-direct; or would argue with the referee; and a greater number of occasions when teams had not turned up, which was annoying for the players and referee who were there. It is the responsibility of the captain to ensure his players know the rules. It is also the responsibility of the teams to ensure they turn up with suitable playing kit.


The Secretary thanked those present for their attendance at the AGM. He reported that unusually there had been one occasion when the fixtures had to be cancelled due to snow. The previous season when there had been a lot of snow he had waited until the evening before deciding to cancel the games which meant making contact with a lot of people in a short time, when the same problem occurred he made the decision at lunchtime to allow more time to let the team know. The Secretary thanked the teams affected for their understanding when finding alternative dates to play the cancelled games.

The Secretary asked that he be kept up to date with any changes of home address, email address or telephone numbers.

The Secretary was disappointed that there had been 19 occasions where teams had not turned up for fixtures, with only 4 occasions when he had been informed in advance for the team to avoid a fine. On 2 occasions he had been able to bring in guest teams. The Secretary suggested that perhaps the rules should be changed to increase the time that a team would be fined, or to increase the fine itself.

The Secretary was also unhappy that still too many players were unaware of the playing rules, teams were not wearing consistent kit (which caused problems to referees in identifying which side a player in odd kit played for), and still players turned up to play without shin pads. Where there was a colour clash the Secretary reported that Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre could no longer supply bibs, however he was investigating whether the league could buy some. This would then cause a problem of where to keep them so they would be available, yet be secure so they would not get lost. The Secretary would see if a locker could be used at KKSC with a number of keys cut, one for all the referees.

The Secretary asked that referees fill in the results form for each game they referee, including whether the kit was OK or not, and telephone the results at the end of the evening to him then send or fax the form to him.

The Secretary stated that the 2004/5 season would start on Thursday 16th September 2004, and hoped that the season would be completed by the end of May 2005. The fees for the season would be £180. To avoid any late payment fines the fees should be sent to him before 1st August 2004, or fines of £10 per month would be added.

Rangers and Cottenham Hotspurs had confirmed they would not be continuing, Bar Hill (who had been guests in the cup competition and got to the final) and Barmans (who had been guests at the end of the season) would be invited to join the league. He asked that any other teams who may not continue contact him as soon as possible. As Division 1 would need another team the Secretary proposed that the 3rd place team in Division 2 be promoted, as had happened a few years ago. There was some discussion as to whether Bar Hill, who seemed to be a very good side, should go straight into Division 1, or perhaps there could be a play-off game of some sort. Unless there were exceptional circumstances (such as a team dropping out soon after the start of the season), a new team always joined the league in Division 2.


The Disciplinary Secretary stated that as usual there had been comments that the referees were too hard, or too soft.

There had been 8 cautions, and 2 sending offs recorded. He felt that there were too many players flouting the rules, with 11-a-side play such as slide tackles being used.

He asked that all players be registered, and that it was up to the individual teams to ensure no banned player was allowed to play. He also noted that 5-a-side can be dangerous and that there had been a couple of accidents, one which resulted in a multiple fracture as a player fell awkwardly. The Secretary added that a recent accident where a player had fell and hit their head on the wall resulting in a cut, the KKSC staff were obliged to call an ambulance, as they were not able to take responsibility if the player claimed to be OK, then for example had a problem driving home. The Disciplinary Secretary asked that the KKSC staff be thanked for their work in dealing with these incidents, the Secretary agreed to pass on the message.


The Treasurer stated that the balance carried forward was up from last year, towards the £500 target. The trophy costs were less as the league did not give medals to guest teams.

Financial Statement Income and Expenditure Account:

31st May 2004 31st May 2003
£ £ £ £
Balance brought forward 316.51 457.85
League subscriptions 4350.00 4192.50
Guest Teams 20.00 0.00
League Fines 155.00 95.00
Interest on deposit account 0.71 1.47
Total 4525.71 4192.64
4842.22 4746.82
Sports Hall 3024.50 2808.00
Expenses (Referees, Secretary, Treasure, Disciplinary) 894.50 883.00
Trophies/engraving 201.45 250.00
Miscellaneous (footballs, Cambs FA, AGM etc.) 313.19 489.31
4433.64 4430.31
Balance carried forward 408.58 316.51

Bank reconciliation:

£ £
Balance as per Current Account 983.63
To pay in 0.00
Less outstanding cheques 726.45
Balance as per deposit account 151.40
Total 408.58

Fees for the coming season were set at £180 per team, with a further £7.50 for Cambs. FA Affiliation.


The Secretary asked if anyone wanted to take the positions of Chairman, Secretary, Disciplinary Secretary, Treasurer or Committee Member.

There were no offers, the Committee Members were willing to continue.

Chairman: Graham Pettit
Secretary: Terry Wilby
Treasurer: Terry Briggs
Disciplinary Secretary: Terry Briggs
Committee Members: Bob Brownlie, Paul Cattley, Dick Darler.

Although Bob Brownlie was no longer directly involved with the League, the Secretary believed it was good that the League had access to an independent person should the need arise.


Medals were awarded to the following:

Division 1 Winners: CELTICS
Division 1 Runners up: UNIPALM
Division 2 Winners: THE ANGELS
Division 2 Runners up: MARCONI
League Cup Winners: CELTICS
League Cup Runners up: Bar Hill (guest team)
League Cup "Plate": SLOW STARTERS
Club of the Season: UNIPALM

The Secretary explained that the Club of the Season was decided by ruling out any team for the following reasons: " Not attending the last AGM, (1 team) " Been late in paying fees, (5 teams) " Disciplinary problems, (9 teams) " Failed to turn up for games, (10 teams) " Mixed playing kit, (9 teams) " Played their games in an un-sporting manner


Following the earlier comments by the Secretary there was a long discussion concerning the problem of teams not turning up to play their games. It was noted that almost half of the no-shows were caused by just 3 teams. Consideration to increase the time from Wednesday lunchtime that a team would be fined, and increases to the £15 fine were discussed but there was no agreement. It was agreed that the rules be changed as follows:

On the first occasion the team is fined £15. On the second occasion the team will be fined a further £15, and a written warning will be sent. After a third occasion the team will be expelled from the league, and another team will take their place. Should a team be expelled the committee will decide if the replacement team are to take over the results of the expelled team, or if all the expelled teams results are to be removed.

It was suggested that teams should get 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw, the suggestion was agreed unanimously. It was noted that it rarely made a difference to the league positions.

There was a question regarding players holding onto the wall. The Secretary replied that using the wall to gain an advantage would be penalised.

There were no other suggested rule changes.


Following an occasion in a cup game where confusion was caused by a whistle from the other pitch, the committee agreed to find whistles with different tones.

The Chairman asked that substitutes sitting on the centre wall should refrain from shouting at the referee or the opposition players, but should be ready to come onto the pitch when required and not delay the game while fitting shin pads.

It was noted that some of the footballs did not retain their shape very well, and the Mitre Cyclone footballs may be better. The Secretary agreed to investigate this type of football.

There was no other business.

The Secretary closed the meeting at 9:20pm.

Telephone Numbers:

Graham Pettit: (01223) 240840 (Home) (01223) 555120 (Work)

Terry Wilby: (01763) 220457 (Home) (01763) 267280 (Work) (Email)

Terry Briggs: (01223) 564630 (Home) (01223) 317032 (Work) 07774 434834 (Mobile) (Email)

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