Cambridge 5-A-Side Football League


The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.45 pm and welcomed those present to the A.G.M.


Apologies were received from Shooting Stars.

Eagles, Arbury Loyal, ItalCamb and United FC were not represented.

Officers of the Committee Terry Wilby and Bill Brighty also sent their apologies.


The minutes of the 2004 A.G.M. were taken as read.


Although 2004/05 had been a good season overall it was disappointing that on 12 occasions teams didn't turn up to fulfil their fixture commitments. Bookings and sending offs at 29 (including 4 sending offs) in total were also up on last year, but this was because of the 'get tougher' decision made at last year's AGM. Most matches were very good matches and were usually a pleasure to referee, but the Chair was concerned that one or two players were still turning up 'with the wrong attitude'.

The FA was sending more and more edicts and it was important that we manage ourselves effectively and be seen to 'tow the line'. We need to instil more sporting behaviour and don't bring 11 a side tactics to the league.


In his absence Terry Briggs read out a report from Terry Wilby.

"As always I would like to thank you all for being here. It is YOUR league, and the decisions made at this AGM can impact the way the committee run the league.

I must apologize for not having been around since the start of March. It has meant Terry and Graham having to do many of the tasks I would usually do, so I must thank them for all they have done. My absence has meant the website did not get updated on a weekly basis, I hope this did not cause too many problems.

I'm sure others will mention these points, which seem to come out every year:

The FA is cracking down on Small-sided leagues. Cambs FA have no problem with our league, but other recently formed leagues do have problems, this has raised the profile of 5-a-side.

There are a host of changes the FA would like to force on us, and where possible we should try to adhere to their requirements, however some of them (such as handing in a team sheet for every game) are, in my opinion, not necessary. In the past we have considered the use of Sin-Bins, and decided against using them, but now I think we should. It will cause the referee some problems in timing the match and the sin-bin, but I'm sure it is not insurmountable. With new rules the referees will sometimes make a mistake on the interpretation, so I ask for your understanding when a decision goes against your team. As always the referee's decision is final.

The season starts on 15th September, as always I ask that the registration forms be sent to me as soon as possible. If any team is not going to continue then please let me know."

Terry Briggs also asked that teams keep Terry Wilby up to date with any changes of home address, email address or telephone numbers.


The Disciplinary Secretary basically reiterated what the Chair stated earlier in terms numbers of bookings and sending offs. Went through the list of reasons why players booked and sent off. It was still clear that there were too many players flouting the rules, with 11-a-side play such as slide tackles being used.

He asked that all players be registered, and that it was up to the individual teams to ensure no banned player was allowed to play. He also reminded that 5-a-side can be dangerous and although there had been no serious incidents this season in previous seasons there had been accidents and so all players need to be careful. The Disciplinary Secretary also asked if the Secretary could pass on the league thanks to KKSC staff for their work during the year, particularly in dealing with incidents.


The Treasurer stated that the balance carried forward was up from last year, very close towards the £500 target. Although income from league subscriptions was slightly down, Sports Hall costs were also down because of additional bookings required in 2003/04 because of bad weather.

Financial Statement Income and Expenditure Account:

31st May 2005 31st May 2004
£ £ £ £
Balance brought forward 408.58 316.51
League subscriptions 4384.80 4350.00
Guest Teams 30.00 20.00
League Fines 295.00 155.00
Interest on deposit account 1.18 0.71
Total 4710.98 4525.71
5119.56 4842.22
Sports Hall 2919.00 3024.50
Expenses (Referees, Secretary, Treasure, Disciplinary) 960.00 894.50
Trophies/engraving 222.69 201.45
Miscellaneous (footballs, Cambs FA, AGM etc.) 519.64 313.19
4621.33 4433.64
Balance carried forward 498.23 408.58

Bank reconciliation:

£ £
Balance as per Current Account 1116.98
To pay in 0.00
Less outstanding cheques 771.32
Balance as per deposit account 152.57
Total 498.23

Fees for the coming season were set at £185 per team, with a further £10.00 for Cambs. FA Affiliation.


The Chair asked if anyone wanted to take the positions of Chairman, Secretary, Disciplinary Secretary, Treasurer or Committee Member.

There were no offers, the Committee Members were willing to continue.

Chairman: Graham Pettit
Secretary: Terry Wilby
Treasurer: Terry Briggs
Disciplinary Secretary: Terry Briggs
Committee Members: Bob Brownlie, Paul Cattley, Dick Darler.

Although Bob Brownlie was no longer directly involved with the League, Terry Briggs had spoken to him prior to the AGM and he was happy to continue as a Committee member. The Chair believed it was good that the League had continued access to an independent person should the need arise.


Medals were awarded to the following:

Division 1 Runners up: SLOW STARTERS
Division 2 Winners: ITALCAMB
Division 2 Runners up: FIVEASIDE.NET
League Cup Runners up: MARCONI
League Cup "Plate": SYMBIONICS
Club of the Season: MARCONI

The Club of the Season was decided by ruling out any team for the following reasons:


Terry Briggs presented a brief summary of the many changes suggested in the new FA small sided football rule book. During the cup competition the week before the AGM the referee's had 'piloted' the use of sin bins and rolling substitutes. Although sins bins weren't used it was widely thought that the threat of their use curtailed some of the more aggressive behaviour often seen in our previous cup competitions. Rolling subs had also worked well without any problem.

It was agreed that sin bins (2 minutes) and rolling subs (3 maximum) should be introduced next year. Terry Wilby was asked to adapt the FA rules to make the necessary changes to our own league rules. No other changes to the playing rules were consider necessary as our rules had been established by 30 years of playing experience and many of the FA small sided rules were considered inappropriate for playing on a relatively small pitch at the KKSC.

As mentioned by the Chair above there had been an alarming increase in the number of teams not turning up, often without explanation at all. Clearly the threat of a financial penalty wasn't working and it was considered that more had to be done to act as a deterrent next season. It was decided that any team failing to field a team on any evening would be deducted 3 points as well as the current walk over. If they informed the secretary by Wednesday lunchtime they would avoid a £15 fine but would still be deducted 3 points. Terry Wilby was asked to change our rules to reflect this.

Some discuss took place about an incident when the match hadn't finished but the sports hall staff told the teams to leave the pitch as they had to get ready for the next booking. Effectively this was considered to be a one off and lessons had been learnt.

No changes were proposed for the cup competition which was considered a success. Problems with referees whistling when both pitches were in use were highlighted. A simple solution to avoid this was suggested and refs were asked to stand on opposite sides of the pitch to maximise the distance between their whistles.

There had also been issues with colour clashes and Terry Briggs asked any team who were buying new kits this year to choice something distinctive and unusual, something that would unlikely class with the opposition. When teams register it was agreed that they should state 2 colours they'll be playing in. It would be useful if Terry Wilby when sending out fixture lists highlighted kits so that the teams could see a potential clash and change to an alternative kit - note that the 'away' team should always change kit under current rules.


In 2006 the League celebrates its 30th Birthday and we should celebrate this achievement. Everyone thought that an end of season disco could be organised next year and nearer the time volunteers will be asked for to help organise.

Terry Wilby was thanked for his 5 a side league website, but there was some concern expressed that while Terry has been away the website was sometimes 5 weeks out of date. If Terry has to go away in the future contingency arrangements should be in place to ensure that tables are kept up to date.

Thanks were expressed from the floor to the referees and the Committee for all their hard work during the season.

Players were also asked to curb swearing while playing and watching games, as there are often young children watching matches and it doesn't set a good example.

There was no other business.

The Secretary closed the meeting at 9:30pm.

Telephone Numbers:

Graham Pettit: (01223) 240840 (Home) (01223) 555120 (Work)

Terry Wilby: (01763) 220457 (Home) (01763) 267280 (Work) (Email)

Terry Briggs: (01223) 564630 (Home) (01223) 317032 (Work) 07774 434834 (Mobile) (Email)

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